Heroes of the Storm

Pre-season Leaderboards: August 2015

Blizzard Entertainment

In the spirit of competition, leaderboards will be an important feature coming with Grandmaster league. As we continue to prepare and create Grandmaster league internally, we’d like to share with the community those who have topped the leader boards in both Hero League and Team League externally, for the month of August.

In order to be eligible to be a part of the leaderboard, players must meet the following criteria:

  • Play a minimum of 50 games
  • Must have reached Rank 1 in the month of August

The following players, representing the European region and ranked by MMR, are numbered below for your viewing pleasure. 

Hero League

  1. kiGzz
  2. HasuObs
  3. scHwimpi
  4. Konti
  5. RzuF
  6. Mopsio
  7. Scari
  8. Breez
  9. Snitch
  10. Wubby
  11. Lampi
  12. NathaN
  13. Shtyr
  14. stalk
  15. VortiX
  16. Larne
  17. AcerHolo
  18. Parasoul
  19. Zarmony
  20. ExtremeFruit
  21. ethernal
  22. GerdamHerd
  23. chriZplosion
  24. cilium
  25. HawaiooO
  26. AlexTheProG
  27. Cris
  28. tDarka
  29. BonelessTub
  30. LucifroN
  31. Thrae
  32. G2adrd
  33. Cronaz
  34. SportBilly
  35. LanaDelCray
  36. dctrr
  37. Maximaltime
  38. RNGesus
  39. ATNCrozzby
  40. uuii
  41. Tyronid
  42. GrumpyKitten
  43. Nurok
  44. czubek
  45. Zrokowany
  46. ikside
  47. Kugelblitz
  48. ATNBlumbi
  49. JayPL
  50. Hydragyros
  51. pHeoz
  52. FalcoN
  53. Stuerzer
  54. Lassive
  55. Remmerballer
  56. Chonkyfire
  57. Toxical
  58. Zafman
  59. ATNDevizz
  60. AvaruusApina
  61. bLaDe
  62. mTwRaiDbawZ
  63. Splendour
  64. wolfz
  65. HanYolo
  66. RouaF
  67. Redx
  68. Kesil
  69. SuperPlouk
  70. Glofortos
  71. Gentle
  72. Mokkla
  73. Lisfoc
  74. cowmarine
  75. ShadowmaRe
  76. Surgen
  77. Benjitso
  78. aeRR
  79. Magu
  80. Chaca
  81. Zyfoh
  82. Mene
  83. Hiruke
  84. Darkomicron
  85. Xaiver
  86. Tictac
  87. SirIceCream
  88. Beezy
  89. bkbgrnrjefek
  90. Arrakëën
  91. inception
  92. Ängis
  93. uNKOE
  94. Glukoza
  95. Guacamole
  96. mav
  97. Talouf
  98. Blekitny
  99. Linked
  100. ATNdarkmok

Team League

Due to the alterations to Team League during the month of August, a leaderboard didn’t seem fair to the spirit of competition for today’s post. Going forward, we will apply the same criteria to Team League and feature the players who secure a spot in the top 100, so grab some teammates and win some games!

Congratulations to those that have secured top slots in their respective leagues. We’ll continue to do a monthly report on those that lead in MMR until Grandmaster league and leader boards become visible, in-game, at a later date.  We’ll see you next time!
