Weekly Sale: July 7 – 14, 2015
A new week has begun in the Nexus, which means it’s time for a brand new Weekly Sale! Check out the items we’ve placed on sale for this week, and then head to the Heroes in-game Shop to pick up anything that catches your eye:
Weekly Sale: July 7 - 14, 2015
Raynor -- 1.99 EUR (1.49 GBP)
Commander Raynor Skin -- 3.69 EUR (2.70 GBP)
Pajamathur Abathur Skin -- 4.99 EUR (3.69 GBP)
What is a Weekly Sale?
Each Weekly Sale includes deeply discounted real-money prices on individual items for a seven day period, typically beginning and ending on Tuesdays at 11:30 p.m. CEST at that same time. At that time, the items from our previous sale will return to their normal prices, and new items will be discounted.
Be sure to head to the official Heroes of the Storm website every Tuesday, or keep an eye on your Battle.net Application’s Heroes tab, to catch our latest Weekly Sale announcements.