Heroes of the Storm

Tempest Regalia Jaina and Zerg Hunter Zeratul Skins Now Available


Whether you are looking to impress others with your mastery of Frost magic, or are keen to blend in while you seek out revenge against the Zerg – we've got you covered.

We've just released two new Skins: Tempest Regalia Jaina and Zerg Hunter Zeratul! You can ready your cooldowns and jump into the fray in style, because these two Skins are available now, and you can take a closer look at them in the turn-around video below:

New Skins

The following items are available now in the Heroes Shop!

New Skins

  • Tempest Regalia Jaina -- 7.49 EUR (5.49 GBP)

  • Zerg Hunter Zeratul -- 9.99 EUR (7.49 GBP)

Make sure to let us know what you think of Tempest Regalia Jaina and Zerg Hunter Zeratul in the comments below!